Bookstore Freak - 421

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Categories: American

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Hey, What's up everyone? So this week were out and about searching for some chicks with big tits to shoot for us, but we were out with our newest rookie. His mission was to pick up a hot chick, bring her back to the bang house, and fuck her brains out. Its easier said, than done. We went to the local book store in search of the perfect set of tits with a matching round ass to holler at. Aside from being a shitty day, it was almost impossible to pick up the ladies, but persistence pays off my friend, because when we found Leihla in the American presidents section of the store, she wanted nothing to do with us, but that didn't stop us from trying. And after feeding her so much bullshit , we finally told her the truth and she was down for it. Having heard of Bangbros before she was excited to show us her big all natural tits, and have our rookie fuck the shit out of her, nasty style!

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