Juelz Ventura & Karlo Karrera in My Friend Shot Girl - 481

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Juelz Ventura finds it odd that her boyfriend forgot his phone. He's never apart from it. She decides to look through it to make sure he's been getting the text's that she sends him. Well, she find that not only is he getting her text, but also text's from his best friend's girlfriend. Looks like Juelz's boyfriend has been cheating on her all along, with his best friend's girl of all people. It would be selfish to keep this information to herself, so she calls over her boyfriend's best friend, Karlo. Juelz shows Karlo what she found. Karlo can't believe that his best friend would fuck him over by fucking his girl. Juelz has a nice way of getting back at their cheating partners. She decides if you can't beat them, join them. She goes to town on Karlo's cock. Juelz's boyfriend fucked his best friend's girl, so Juelz fucked his best friend. An eye for an eye, a fuck for a fuck.

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