Machine Fucking is Like a Box of Chocolates You NEVER Know - 240

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....WHAT or WHO you're going to pound into a wet, sopping puddle of post orgasmic BLISS! Evi Fox is quiet, shy and lying to us. She says she can only take a shallow cock, not too fast, not too deep and not for too long. Hmm, really? We play along in the first scene but then it's clear that Evi is setting her limits from a place of uncertainty and after a little hand holding Shockspot fucking, she is more relaxed and so we go in for the kill. Evi is changed woman - she cums so hard she groans and squirms away from us shouting "don't look at me!". She teaches -YES TEACHES - herself right in front of your very eyes, how to cum twice in a row and her orgasm is epically hot and so explosive. Evi went from a maybe machine girl to a hall of FuckingMachines Fame Babe in the course of three machines. Now that's, good porn.

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