Roxys AMAZING ELECTRO Fucking Double Penetration Fisting - 240

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Episode 2: Roxy Raye is one of my favorite girls to fuck. She has an amazing attitude and her holes are like rubber gloves. So, I give my good friend Aiden Starr to chance to slip her little hands inside Roxy Raye and turn her into her electro-sex-play-doll. Aiden took this opportunity and ran with it! (Or should I say fucked with it!) Wiring up our largest metal dildo, Aiden warms up, by lighting up, Roxy pussy and ass. But in Aiden's mind patience is not a virtue and quickly moves into fisting her now sopping wet cunt and her eager open asshole. However, all of this was just to stretch Roxy open and set her up for the grand finale. Aiden pulls out our most giant speculum (the speculum that puts all other speculums to shame) wires it up, grounds it to Roxy's body, stretches it open, then sits back and watches the electro-sparks fly!

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