CircleJerkBoys Video: Early To Practice - 360

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The Coach is back to check on how well Toby Springs cleaned the locker room. As Isaac walks around the locker room checking the cleanliness he notices one lone jock-strap laying on the bench which Toby had left behind after he nutted all over it. Isaac picks it up and starts to sniff it deep and hard rubbing it all over his body and cock. Whiff after whiff Isaac inhales and exhales the cum-stained jock-strap from one of his team players. He begins to strip down so he can play with his cock while sniffing and licking the jock-strap. He uses it to jack off with and then ties his stop watch around his cock and balls as if it were a cock ring. Sniffing the cum stained jock-strap deeper and deeper while stroking his thick dick with precum oozing out of it he gets closer and closer to busting his creamy load all over his chest.

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