A Real Shoe Slut - LegSex - 39

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I love the feeling of rubbing lotion on my legs, but I wish I didn't have to do it all by myself, says Madison as she creams her long limbs for you to watch. "I think my toenails need a touch-up, too. I hate having to do this for myself. I wish I had a man do it for me. I am so lonely and I want someone to take care of my feet. I guess I will have to suck on my toes and cream my own feet so I can get my pussy nice and wet for fingering. And then I can rub my toes all over my nipples. And because I don't have a hard cock to fuck, I'll just have to use the heel of my brand new stiletto mules to plug my tight slit with. Don't you love watching me be a shoe slut?"

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