Merengue Mix - 420

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Meet Naomi and Somayo; two girls that love to dance and fuck. Actually, it's a little known fact that those are Jt's passions as well, so I figured it was time they all met. Naomi hails from Brazil. It's another little known fact that Brazil is the largest producer and distributor of great asses. Just wait until you see Naomi's enormous butt... Somayo is Dominican. This gives her Latina spice with what some would call black features. Then there's Jt he's... white. Anyways, I gave the girls a chance to get the dancing out of their systems, and then it was on to their next hobby... sex. Well I mean, of course I had them strip, kiss each other, suck each others nipples, and shake their asses for me. And if ever there was a time for ass worship, this was it. I'm telling you, Naomi's ass is record setting. I was even able to set a glass of water on it while she sucked Jt. Somayo had a great rump too, but even better was that she brought the tits and gorgeous face into the mix. Nothing better than a threesome, especially when the girls are bi. Like while one gave Jt a blowjob, the other was eating pussy, or while one was getting stuffed, the other was sucking titties. These ones were playing with each other the whole time. If nothing else, you've gotta see Naomi's ass! I'm telling you... Anyways, enjoy the movie...

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