Jessica Lynn's Smokin' Hot Foot Rub - 420

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Categories: Smoking

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I'm sure you've all seen Jessica Lynn in many many different compromising positions, and if you haven't then YOU SHOULD! However, to days update is like every Wednesday, all about complete foot a toe adoration. So much so that I would almost rename this site foot-jobs Wednesdays. Why not? I mean, we have Blow jobs Fridays! Why not make today the official day of the foot? Shoot us an email if you agree. Anyway, back to Jessica. IF you don't know her, well then today's you're lucky day. She's super cute, with a body that's smoking hot (to say the least!). I mean, this chick's got it all, a nice flat stomach, sweet tits, nice ass, nice healthy legs, EVERYTHING! And she, like all my Wednesday beauties rubs my junk till it pops. Something which in itself was pretty easy seeing as how Jessica has a sweet pair of tits to match her lovely feet. You'll see what I mean. Check it out...

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